100 Women Who Care Donate to Putnam Christian Outreach
Putnam Christian Outreach received a generous check from 100 Women Who Care Lake Country on Thursday, March 4. The group is made up of over 100 philanthropic women who are committed to servicing and improving the community around them. Each member of the group commits to donating $100 per meeting on a quarterly basis and they decide as a group who receives the funds. Although the group has been unable to meet since January 2020, they have still made a point to contribute to local charities in an effort to meet the basic needs of the community.
The 100 WWC Steering Committee Chairman, Rebecca Prance, said they are focusing on charities that provide food and clothing. The lucky winner this quarter was Putnam Christian Outreach.
“We chose the two basic needs of each community in Putnam and Greene and asked our membership to support those because that would help take care of the basic needs,” said Prance.
“Prior to this, we just let the ladies give to the organization of their choice,” said member, Nancy Marshall. “But we knew food needs were so great right now, so we really wanted to focus on that.”
The $9,000 donation to PCO was received by Vanessa Jackson, executive director of PCO and June Clay. PCO member Judy Fain then took Nancy Marshall and Rebecca Prance of 100 WWCLC on a tour of the PCO building and food pantry. She explained that the majority of the funds are going to be used on making improvements to the PCO building and food pantry so they can better serve the community
Written By: Lauren Malek, Lake Oconee News